Empowering you to Exercise and Live Smarter so you can Always do what you enjoy in Life
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Holistic Content

Calculating your Goal-Specific Calories and Macros

Calculating your Goal-Specific Calories and Macros


In this educational lesson you’ll learn:

  • The knowledge, tools, formulas, and importance of consuming the correct amount of calories for fat loss, weight maintenance, and muscle building

  • The knowledge, formulas, and importance of consuming your protein minimum, per meal max absorption, and per day targets for fat loss, maintain muscle, and muscle building

  • The knowledge, formulas, and importance of consuming your goal-specific carbohydrates for fat loss or muscle building

  • The knowledge, targets, and importance of consuming enough fiber based on your gender and age

  • The knowledge, formulas, and importance of consuming enough fat for any goal

  • References for further learning

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