Empowering you to Exercise and Live Smarter so you can Always do what you enjoy in Life
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Personal Training


  • Losing body fat

  • Building muscle

  • Improving your muscle definition

  • Getting stronger

  • Move Faster

  • Doing your first pull-up without assistance

  • Maintaining your ideal body image

  • Maintaining muscle size and strength

  • Having a healthy and stable blood pressure

  • Having healthy and stable blood sugar (elevated fasting glucose, hemoglobin a1c, or fasting insulin)

  • Fall asleep faster

  • Improve your blood lipid levels (Total cholesterol, LDL, Triglycerides, apo(b), LP-PLA2 activity, homocysteine, omega 6 to 3 ratio, high sensitivity CRP, coronary artery calcium scan)

  • Managing osteopenia

  • Managing osteoarthritis

  • Having way more long lasting energy throughout the day

  • Feeling less stressed throughout the day

  • Improve their physical performance at work

Client Transformations & Testimonials

Corrective exercise client who achieved his goals of increasing his strength and flexibility


My client Adam reached out for fitness coaching support because he was concerned about how long he could sustain his career as an ER nurse lifting, pulling, and pushing all of the people that were arriving at the hospital in an ambulance without suffering lower back and arm injuries.

After 3 months of small group personal training he blew his goals away and increased his overall strength by 33%, giving him the confidence that he can safely and effectively help others at work move patients around without sustaining an injury.

We also corrected some muscle dysfunction issues he was dealing like his muscles weren’t firing right, increased his hamstring mobility by 15” reducing his risk of a hamstring muscle strain, and loosened up his tight hip flexors so that they no longer were making his lower back weaker.

Personal training client who achieved more strength and muscular endurance


When I met my client Brock he initially just wanted to have a trainer that he could have sessions on the calendar with so that he would actually show up and just do something for a workout. We dove a lot deeper in his goal setting session and discovered that having more strength and muscular endurance so he could lift his son over his head, make water skiing and backcountry skiing easier, and just feel healthier every day was most important to him.

After 1 year of resistance training, aerobic conditioning, and 1 on 1 personal training he has achieved 10 goals to date.

Increase pull up strength to do 1 pull up with no assistance. Currently can do 7.

Get body fat % down to 17.70% (started at 22.27%).

Get blood pressure down to 120/80, (starting at 143/85 blood pressure)

Back squat 275 lbs (Started at 185 lbs)

Bench press 305 lbs (Started at 195 lbs)

Increase pull up strength to doing 1 pullup with 1” band (Started at 1.5” band for 10 reps)

Increase push ups to 47 (started at 18)

Increase sit ups to 95 (started at 36)

Increase body weight squats to 223 (started at 80)

Do repeat sled sprints with 150 lbs for 12 sec sprints for 10 reps (Started at 50 lbs for 6 reps)

All of his progress has made lifting his son up over his head a piece of cake, skiing so much more enjoyable, and very proud of his accomplishments.

Brock’s 5 star google review:

“I've used many trainers over the years and Andrew is by far the best. He tracks everything and politely pushes you to do better. I have made more progress in three months with Andrew than I've ever made with another trainer, combined.”

small group personal training increased her aerobic fitness and energy


When I met Kristin she was doing workouts at home with the goal of getting in better shape. She wasn’t happy with her results, so she signed up for my intro personal training workout. She loved her experience so much, signed up for small group personal training, and in just 8 weeks I increased her aerobic capacity by 96% making working out so much easier, fun, along with giving her tons of energy to get more things accomplished at work and home.


The intro small group personal training workout was the beginning to a life changing experience for me. I was struggling with stage 1 high blood pressure. After just my first workout with Andrew,my blood pressure dropped 27 points. I signed up for small group personal training- 3 times per week. Before I finished my first program, I had normal blood pressure and haven’t needed medications to manage it since 2019.


My client David crushed a 500lb Calf Raise iso a few weeks ago before going on vacation in the black hills. This specialty exercise strengthens the muscles of the feet, calves, butt, low back, and ab stabilizers. After just 1 year of small group personal training he’s gone from body weight being challenging for this exercise all the way up to 500lbs. This has helped boost his strength on tons of other exercises, extend the lifespan of his degrading hip for more than 10 years, and most importantly allowed him to keep up, pain free on 12 mile long hikes in the black hills with his 20 year old boys.


Small group personal Training at Life Strength Fitness is great because I always know exactly what to do, how to do it right, and always get the best possible results. I love that my programs change over time, switch what they focus on, and the data Andrew tracks shows me that the time I spend here is actually making me measurably better! I’ve significantly improved my physical performance, helping me boost my work productivity, and have more energy to do things with my family.

What I do to go above and beyond for you

  • First, we would discuss the many elements that go into designing a safe and effective program that will achieve your goals. 

    • You get to make the final decisions on every element of your program so that you always enjoy every workout and get the freedom to achieve your goals the way you want. 

    • Then I’ll design it and individualize it from the data gathered from your functional movement test, make sure it progresses safely/effectively, tracks the objective/subjective metrics that will show you how much progress you’re making. 

  • Your digital fitness programs include:

    • Each workout has daily and weekly average heart rate variability cells (if you’ve enrolled in HRV Coaching) where you can plug in those numbers from the app on your phone, then your program will show you how to train smarter, not harder giving you the most progress and avoid injury.

    • If you aren’t enrolled in HRV coaching each workout will have a 3 question survey asking you to rank your current energy, motivation, and muscle soreness. Then it will show you the best way to likely approach your workout so that you make the most progress and avoid injury.

    • Exercise coaching videos that thoroughly demonstrate how to set it up, and perform the exercise safely and effectively

    • A benefits tab to educate you on all the cellular and physiological upgrades your program is doing for you to boost your motivation

  • I show up on time, full of energy, and excited to coach you through each workout from your individualized program

  • Additional things I do to support you are:

    • Help you set meaningful goals with realistic time frames

    • Test and assess your body composition, blood pressure, aerobic fitness, functional movement, physical performance, and heart rate variability

    • Educate you on what your heart rate variability means and adjust your fitness programs so that you get more progress and avoid injury from a workout

    • Coach 1-10 people at a time using machines, free weights, kettlebells, barbells, additional fitness accessories, and heart rate monitors

    • Design individualized and goal-specific resistance training, corrective exercise, and aerobic conditioning exercise programs

    • Give you exercise coaching videos that thoroughly demonstrate how to set up the equipment along with how to perform that exercise safely and effectively

    • Give you a home stretches list with videos to make even faster progress on getting your body functioning and feeling terrific

    • Educate you on all the cellular and physiological upgrades your program is doing for you to boost your motivation

    • Coached on proper form so you use the correct muscles every time, improve your strength/performance faster, avoid pain,

    • Spot you during an exercise removing any doubt you may have and allowing you to focus on giving 100% effort on that exercise 

    • Walk you through how a workout should flow based on the training method your program is using

    • Confirm if you’re doing an exercise/training method correctly

    • Help you plan out your workout schedule for the week so you make the most progress while factoring in your work/family busy schedules

    • Send you alternative exercise to do

    • Want me to change certain exercises in your program so you enjoy your workouts more

  • Check in with you privately every month to make sure you’re enjoying your program, that you’re happy with the progress you’re making towards your goals.

  • Get 1 holistic content educational lesson, lifestyle skill, or resource with every fitness program that you get to keep to boost your capability and belief that you will achieve your goal: I have a library of more than 80 documents for you to look through that will help you.

  • If you ever want to do to aerobic conditioning or corrective exercise workouts on other days per week to get the unique benefits that only can be acquired from those training methods, all you have to do is sign up for their baseline testing and I’ll design you an individualized program at no additional cost. 

To get started step 1 - Sign Up for Baseline Strength/Performance Testing

Personal Training client doing strength and performance testing

If you want to do this remotely, you’ll need access to a squat cage, barbell, portable bench, plates, stop watch, plyometric boxes, measuring tape, and 15-40 yards of floor space.

If you want to do this in person, I have everything you need.

90 Minute 1 on 1 Session

I test fitness metrics that are relevant to what you’re struggling with or what your vision is. I typically test your max strength (back squat, bench press, and other lifts), muscular endurance (push ups, situps, squats, and pull ups to failure), strength endurance (20RM Front Squat, 20RM Bench Press), Agility (Pro-Agility), Acceleration (10 yard sprint), Top End Speed (30 yard sprint), Power (Vertical Jump, Push Up Jump, and many others)

  • This is needed in order to individualize your program for safety and effectiveness

  • Track progress towards the goals you set

  • Necessary to set achievable goals

You’ll then get sent a detailed report of each metric, the importance of each, and what areas need to get stronger/improve performance. 

Then we schedule a 30 minute SMART Goal Setting Session

  • Client-centered goal setting session where you’ll set 1 SMART outcome goal that is specific, attainable, and meaningful to you with an attached accountability plan which boosts your motivation and confidence.

  • At the end of your goal setting session, if you’d like me to start coaching you and empowering you to achieve your goal you will have to choose which coaching partnership option will benefit you the most. You will get the flexibility to start with, and shift whenever you want between in person 1 on 1 or small group personal training (which is a max of 6 people) or remote personal training if you don’t need live coaching support, allowing you to workout on your own whenever it fits your schedule best.

To get started step 2 - Sign Up for Coaching

1 on 1 and 2 on 1 Personal Training Subscription - Los Campeones Gym in uptown, your home, your office, or live Online

  • Sessions are 60 minutes or 30 minutes depending on your coaching subscription

  • You can use your sessions for 1 on 1 coaching or you can train at the same time as another one of my other 1 on 1 clients, if they agree, and be coached for a 2 on 1 session.

  • We put our schedules together to find convenient days and times that work for both of us 

  • Program Design Included

  • Full Gym Access Included

  • You get everything I do for all of my personal training clients (see above)

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-Los Campeones Gym in Uptown

60 Minute Sessions

Small groups of 6 people (Each person has their own customized program)

You will get plenty of coaching support, but this option is perfect if you don’t need someone watching everything you do 100% of the time

Full Gym Access Included

Program Design Included

You get everything I do for all of my personal training clients (see above)

Current Small Group Training Schedule

Monday 3:30pm, 4:30pm

Thursday 3:30pm, 4:30pm

60 minute Sessions

Remote Training

Get the flexibility to workout whenever it fits your schedule, wherever you have access to gym equipment

Get a comprehensive walkthrough of your program over the phone or google meet so you feel confident that you know how to do your program to perfection on your own so you get all the benefits and avoid injury.

You can schedule a single 1 on 1 or small group personal training session whenever you need live coaching support to make quicker progress, get technique help on an exercise, make sure you’re doing the training methods properly, need a higher level of accountability, etc.  

You get everything I do to go above and beyond for you (review in section below client goal achievement stories)