Empowering you to Exercise and Live Smarter so you can Always do what you enjoy in Life
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Body Fat Testing

This service will empower you to achieve your goal of:

  • Losing stubborn body fat

  • Preserve your current body image

  • Wanting more muscle definition/building muscle

  • More self-confidence

  • Reduces risk and improves blood sugar control (prediabetes, type I diabetes, type II diabetes)

  • Reduces risk and improves blood pressure numbers (high blood pressure)

  • Reduced risk and improves cardiovascular disease (improving your blood lipid panels)

  • Reduced risk of a stroke

  • Reduced risk and improves coronary artery disease

  • Reduced risk of dying prematurely

  • Reduced risk of 13 kinds of cancer

  • Reduced risk or severity of sleep apnea

  • Less joint pain/manage osteoarthritis

Schedule a Body Fat Test

Body Fat Testing or Body Composition Testing

Then we schedule either a follow up 30 minute health coaching session or 30 minute Goal Setting Session

  • 30 minute 1 on 1 health coaching session

    • We will celebrate all of your recent wins from doing your current action steps

    • Troubleshoot any obstacles you encountered recently that are stopping you from consistently doing your action steps

    • Refine/upgrade any of your current action steps

    • You’ll set the focus of whatever area of your lifestyle you’re considering making a change in and we will co-create a new action step that you’re excited to do with a self-accountability plan

  • Client-centered goal setting session where you’ll set 1 SMART outcome goal that is specific, attainable, and meaningful to you with an attached accountability plan which boosts your motivation and confidence.

    • You’ll get to select 1 research supported educational lesson or lifestyle skill from my holistic educational content of 80+ easy to understand documents that you get to keep forever

    • You’ll get to select 1 additional resource/recipe list from a library (that currently consists of 15+ easy to understand documents that you get to keep forever

Testing Subscriptions

Single Test

In this 30 min 1 on 1 appointment we will:

  • Measure your body weight

  • Measure your surface body fat % with body fat calipers in 7 specific locations telling you how many pounds of muscle and fat you have

  • Measure your body circumferences in 11 locations

Then I'll analyze your data and you'll receive a report with the following:

  • All of your circumference measurements broken down by each body part, along with how much fat you have in each location

  • What your body fat % is, muscle weight, fat weight, circumferences, and how much improvement you've made from last time (unless it is your first time), the known standards for each metric.

  • What is a healthy body fat % for men and women, and a framework to set a realistic body composition goal.

  • What your waist to height ratio is, what does that tell you about your current metabolic health, and the optimal range for you (one indicator of your metabolic health status)